Browse Articles By Tag: sales
The process of converting visitors (prospects) into buyers (customers) is a well known one. Sadly many salespeople do not know how the process works. In this article and accompanying infographic we lay out the sales conversion process in just a few words and pictures.
03.09.2015 · From TheAuthor
When you decide to buy real estate, you can become quite emotional as the property you are viewing could become your home. When selling your home, you should try to get rid of all the emotions of selling a home, and think of it as the sale of a fixed asset. (...)
28.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Selling your home takes a lot of skills you may not have used before. It is not as easy as it looks, and if you are serious about selling your house, then you need to really think about what steps you will take to make a sold house your reality. (...)
27.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Selling real estate can be quite the tricky business. Especially if you do not have a lot of experience. This is why hiring a real estate agent to help you list your home for sale and handle the marketing of it for you is so crucial to your success. (...)
27.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Selling your house? Need to sell it fast? There are a number of things that you can do to make your house more appealing to every buyer that walks through the door. It's not that hard, just take this one step at a time and get your house sold quickly. (...)
16.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Selling a home is not always the easy process you might expect. Even if your home is large, in a great neighborhood or has other terrific features, there are things that some prospective buyers will likely be unable to overlook. (...)
14.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Selling real estate for a living can be a fun and profitable experience. Many people become real estateís agents as a way to fulfill a dream of earning extra money, or beginning their own brokerage firm. (...)
14.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Selling real estate is usually not a complicated process if you know what you are doing. Hiring a professional realtor to help you is a wise choice. This is the realtorís area of expertise and with such a person you are usually in excellent hands. (...)
09.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
When it comes time to put your home on the market, you may begin to feel overwhelmed by all the projects you could have done along the way to make your house more appealing to potential buyers. (...)
07.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Many individuals across the nation run successful real estate offices, where they sell huge amounts of real estate every month. Most of the successful offices use the same principles and face the same challenges, but find greater success because they have a detailed...
07.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Are you putting your house on the market? If so, you have a lot to do. You not only have to get your house ready to sell, you have to get yourself ready, too. First off, it is important to be unemotional about selling your house. (...)
06.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
It looks like real estate market is making a steady recovery. Even so -- selling a new property can be a challenge. This is why an smart Realtor should make every effort to get potential buyers in the door. (...)
02.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
The real estate market is highly competitive with real estate agencies selling homes and apartments left, right and centre. Contributing to the volatility of the market is that individuals can act as real estate agents without having to belong to large companies...
01.06.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
Townhouse for sale in Houston Texas, how do I find the best one for me and my family? Houston, Texas is in fourth place in the United States when it comes to population totals. In the state of Texas, Houston is the most populous city that there is. (...)
28.05.2014 · From DaveGuthrie
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